
Alpha Lipid SDll营养豆粉 FQ & A

1. 怎么服用Alpha Lipid SD2?
喝了Alpha Lipid SD2 可以直接用餐,不用分隔时间也可以。

2. 喝Alpha Lipid SD2 需要喝多少水?
建议 2L 以上的水。

3. 喝Alpha Lipid SD2需要戒口吗?
●戒淀粉,即是米饭,粉面,面包饼干和麦片 (*一天可服用35G淀粉,即是大概3汤匙饭)

4. 喝Alpha Lipid SD2,我可以/不可以吃什么?
●可以吃的食物:所有青菜、所有肉類、所有海鮮、雞蛋(任何煮法)、豆腐、蘑菇類、肉骨茶(不要飯)、午餐肉、香腸、肉丸、火腿、火鍋、燒烤、西餐(雞扒, 牛扒,羊扒)、茶(不加糖)

5. 什么是Ketone Sticks?
Ketone Sticks 是验尿的东西,测试你的淀粉摄取量,因此你可以测试你摄取的食物是否正确。

6. 怎么使用Ketone Sticks?

白色 - 摄取过多淀粉和油脂
粉红色 - 最好的,摄取正确的食物,身体正在燃烧脂肪
紫色- 过少淀粉或者你必须多喝水

7. Ketone Sticks 多少钱?
西马 RM21.20;东马 RM23.30 (50个/瓶)

8. 吃Alpha Lipid SD2 需要运动吗?

9. 来月经可以喝SD2吗?

10. 多久看到效果?

11. 一个疗程多少罐?

12. 一个疗程大概可以瘦多少?

13. 我吃减肥药才百多块,Alpha Lipid SD2怎么这么贵啊?
Alpha Lipid SD2 不能和减肥药相提并论, Alpha Lipid SD2 是欧美国家最流行的蛋白质减肥法,不用挨饿最重要是瘦的肌肉结实,有线条,均衡。100%没副作用,而且瘦下来后不容易反弹。

14. 什么人不可以喝 Alpha Lipid SD2?

15. 我喝了一罐,怎么不会瘦下来呢?

16. 听说吃SD2 可以抗癌,是吗?
吃SD2 配合戒淀粉,可以帮助抗癌。因为癌细胞喜欢Glucose,戒了淀粉和糖份,就有帮助抗癌。

17. 当喝Alpha Lipid SD2,我们可以吃饭吗?
在喝Alpha Lipid SD2的初期,如果可能的话,建议减少摄入的碳水化合物如米饭、面条、面包和甜饮料(*一天只可服用35G淀粉,不可超过)

 18. 为什么你要放弃碳水化合物?
Alpha Lipid SD2是绿茶提取物,这将有助于加快你的减肥,除每2勺Alpha Lipid SD2,你需要10克的蛋白质,为您的日常需要。
因此,在喝alpha lipid SD2有三个重要的事情时,您应该遵循采取:¹避免碳水化合物、²进食高蛋白质的食物、³不要挨饿

19. 服用了SD2几天,没有吃饭很饿诶.......?
其实不吃饭是不会饿的,只不过那么多年了你已经习惯了每天都要吃饭,突然一下子没有吃饭,感觉上很空虚,这些基本上都是自己的思想的fixed mindset心理作用罢了。要想想,你这样的习惯就是造成了你今天需要减肥的原因,所以也是时候改变了。既然决定要减肥,就要付出一点牺牲,改变生活习惯,那么有了健康的饮食和生活习惯,你以后也就不会那么容易复胖了。给自己一个星期的时间去适应这个新的饮食方式,你会慢慢发现身体的变化,并慢慢的爱上它。
减肥效果有多快,全看你自己对减肥的决心与定力,你就会愿意付出多少的努力。如果你真的接受不到完全没有吃饭的饮食方式,建议你服用Alpha Lipid™ Lifeline™牛初乳来做个比较长期的减肥计划,你会慢慢健康地瘦下来,可前提是你绝对不可能1-2个月就看到明显效果,毕竟牛初乳主要功效是营养保健,而不是减肥瘦身。想要产品效果快,就要有所付出,不愿意付出就要慢慢等待,两者选其一,不可能同时拥有,世界是公平的,你的努力永远同等于你的成就。

20. 如果我们可以自己戒掉淀粉和糖份,也是可以瘦啊,那为什么还需要喝SD2来减肥呢?
首先,淀粉分为 High GI 和 Low GI 两种。High GI 就是我们常吃的粥饭面,这类淀粉容易致肥而且会让身体产生饥饿感,所以会越吃越多;Low GI 是比较不常见的淀粉类,在五谷糙米等才有,这里淀粉提供饱足感,比较不容易饿。
高蛋白低淀粉的饮食,强调低淀粉不是无淀粉。人是不可以完全没有淀粉,可是如果你自己摄取淀粉一定很难抓准分量!所以SD2里面其实就有Low GI淀粉,一天4杯是刚刚好身体所需要的分量,所以你就不用再摄取任何淀粉,只需要专心吃蛋白质,那么ketosis就会take effect,脂肪就会快速被燃烧。产品还有绿茶萃取物,促进新成代谢,所以你会感觉流汗量大大提高。产品用久了,胃口自然就变小,精神也因此而变好。
除非你能够确保你自己有办法每一天每一餐都可以拿捏到Low GI淀粉类的摄取量,加上每天喝4 litre的绿茶,已经单纯从肉类摄取足够分量的蛋白质,那么你就真的不需要服用这个产品,可是如果你做得到的话,那你根本就不应该会肥,也不会来问关于减肥的产品了。

最后,产品的独家Alpha Lipid专利吸收技术,会提高产品里所有营养的吸收,加速产品效果,这是你没有办法从彼得途径得到的。



What is Alpha Lipid Lifeline?

What is Alpha-Lipid Lifeline?
Alpha-Lipid Lifeline is a blended food powdered drink with Colostrum powder, 1000mg of good calcium, vitamin B complex, mineral and probiotics (Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium).

What is so good about Alpha Lipid Lifeline?
1. The Colostrum in Alpha Lipid Lifeline
In “Colostrum, Life’s First Food”, Dr Daniel G. Clark’s basic message, as printed on the back cover of his book, is that “bovine colostrum rebuilds the immune system, destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi, accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps lose weight, burn fat, increase bone and lean muscle mass and slow down and even reverses aging.”

Colostrum is the first mammary secretion that a mammal provides for its newborn for the first 24-48 hours. It contains all the goodness for the newborn to become a beautiful adult. Bovine colostrum is biologically transferable to all mammals, including men.

Alpha Lipid Lifeline is made with New Zealand bovine colostrum. The colostrum is not taken from one single cow but from a huge number of free roaming cows. This way the colostrum will contain a wide spectrum of immunoglobulins - meaning that the colostrum contains antibodies against more variety of pathogens.
Thousands of research papers have shown bovine colostrum to be highly beneficial to human health.

Namely ...

Support Life - Colostrum is literally ‘nature’s first food’ and were shown to enhance many crucial biochemical processes of the newborn to ensure that the young mammal grows to become beautiful adult.

Mucosal Immunity - Guarding the entrances where bacteria and viruses enter the body. Blocking viruses from our blood system could prevent sepsis. Viruses entered our cell and changed the DNA. Blocking viruses entering the cell could also prevent virus-initiated mutation which could be the cause of many cancers such as HPV causing cervical cancer in women.

Autoimmune Diseases - Autoimmune diseases are caused by our own immune system. Colostrum contains many immunomodulatory proteins (PRPs) to balance our immune function helping to lower the risks of autoimmune diseases. Lactoferrin in colostrum found to be able to alleviates some autoimmune diseases. Link

Protects and Fights Cancer - Colostrum is not a drug to prevent, treat or cure cancers. The US Center for Disease Control acknowledged the antiviral activity of colostrum (Link). This antiviral activity may block cancer causing viruses and indirectly reduced the risks of virus-initiated cancers.

Enhances Brain Power - Research found a component called colostrinin in colostrum that could potentially enhance brain power and may have the potential to help people with Alzheimer’s disease in the future. Link
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is caused by the increased in permeability of the gut lining. This can happen due to the diet, alcohol and or medicine. Research shown colostrum to be able to restore the health of the gut. Regular intake of colostrum may eradicate the IBS problem.

Beautiful Skin - Colostrum has been shown to modify, repair and rebuild the gut. Thus improving the absorption of nutrients and at the same time the elimination of toxic wastes. Various growth factors and Proline-Rich-Polypeptides found to benefit skin health. Drink Alpha Lipid Lifeline everyday for a more beautiful and healthy skin.
Better Recovery - Colostrum helps the body recovers faster in the event of stress and injury.

Travel Insurance - With Colostrum anti-bacteria and anti-virus activities as confirmed by US Center for Disease Control, taking colostrum along during a holiday trip may reduce the episodes of danger post by food and water. Link
Adding Alpha Lipid Colostrum to the pet’s diet makes them healthy and active.

2. 1000mg of bio-available calcium in Alpha Lipid Lifeline
Calcium is required for vascular contraction and vasodilation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and hormonal secretion, though less than 1% of total body calcium is needed to support these critical metabolic functions. Serum calcium is very tightly regulated and does not fluctuate with changes in dietary intakes; the body uses bone tissue as a reservoir for, and source of calcium, to maintain constant concentrations of calcium in blood, muscle, and intercellular fluids. That’s why long-term inadequate calcium intake results in weaken bones and tooth normally seen in old people causing osteoporosis.

3. Alpha Lipid Lifeline is fortified with Vitamin B-complex
“The B vitamins may be necessary to:

Support and increase the rate of metabolism
Maintain healthy skin, hair and muscle tone
Enhance immune and nervous system function
Promote cell growth and division, including that of the red blood cells that help prevent anemia
Reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer - one of the most lethal forms of cancer - when consumed in food, but not when ingested in vitamin tablet form.
All B vitamins are water-soluble, and are dispersed throughout the body. Most of the B vitamins must be replenished regularly, since any excess is excreted in the urine.
B vitamins have also been hypothesized to improve the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.”
Source : Wikipedia.org

4. Alpha Lipid Lifeline is fortified Probiotics
Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium were also added in the making of Alpha Lipid Lifeline.

“At the start of the 20th century, probiotics were thought to beneficially affect the host by improving its intestinal microbial balance, thus inhibiting pathogens and toxin producing bacteria. Today, specific health effects are being investigated and documented including alleviation of chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases, prevention and treatment of pathogen-induced diarrhoea, urogenital infections, and atopic diseases.” Source : Wikipedia.org

All in all, Alpha Lipid Lifeline is a beverage drink that you don’t want to miss.

Google search the above four ingredients: colostrum, calcium, vitamin B-complex, and probiotics with the word ‘inflammation” and draw your own conclusion as to the health benefits of Alpha Lipid Lifeline.